C:\Users\PISTAR Terezia\OneDrive - Pistar Ugyvedi Iroda\Documents\PUI\_LAWOffice\10_Marketing\WEB_PistarHU\MS365Verification\ms17359934.txt
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Your Legal Career Starts Here

We welcome talented and motivated individuals to join our internship programme, designed to advance your career

Eligibility Criteria


We accept applications that meet the following criteria:

  • You are currently pursuing a recognised educational programme in a field of law, leading to a formal undergraduate or post-graduate qualification/degree; or

  • You have completed your qualification/degree within a twelve-month period at the time of application;

  • You speak English and/or German.

  • You focus on IP, IT or commercial law.

Come Work With Us

Thanks for submitting!

Logo of Pistar Law Office, Budapest (Hungary)


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